Teaching Great Lakes Literacy (TGLL) connects math, science, and other educators with scientists to create and pilot lessons centered around Great Lakes-focused topics and current research. TGLL accepts middle and high school math, science, and other educators to be part of each year’s cohort. The 2023-24 pilot focused on research in and connected to the Lake Huron watershed. Learn more about how these educators and researchers collaborated to engage youth while developing data-driven lessons during the virtual capstone on September 4, 2024 from 4-6 pm EST. Registration coming soon! This year, TGLL will “kick-off” with a webinar in October and an in-person workshop in the Lake Michigan Watershed on November 2 and 3, followed by monthly online check-ins in the winter and spring. Participants will work in teams to design and implement a Great Lakes-themed unit that integrates math, science, and additional concepts. Educators will determine when to try their activities/lessons with their students. Teams will have through July 2025 to complete and submit a unit write-up, and a Capstone event will be held in September 2025. Educators selected to participate receive $2,000 in stipend support for this project, including: In addition to the stipends, workshop expenses – such as travel and overnight accommodations – are covered for program participants. TGLL is part of the Center for Great Lakes Literacy (CGLL), a collaborative effort led by Sea Grant educators throughout the Great Lakes watershed. CGLL fosters informed and responsible decisions that advance basin-wide stewardship by providing hands-on experiences, educational resources, and networking opportunities promoting Great Lakes literacy among an engaged community of educators, scientists, and youth. Teaching Great Lakes Literacy is modeled after the successful Oregon Marine Scientist and Educator Alliance (ORSEA). See similar examples of marine ocean-themed lessons on the ORSEA website. TGLL is supported by Michigan Sea Grant, Michigan State University Extension, CGLL, Great Lakes Fishery Trust, and the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. Questions? Please contact us at the emails below. Meaghan Gass Angela Scapini Brandon Schroeder2024-2025 Educator Application Open
Extension Educator, Michigan Sea Grant
Region: Saginaw Bay
989-895-4026, ext. 5 office
Extension Educator, Michigan Sea Grant
Region: Southeast Michigan (Lower Peninsula)
586-469-5060 office
Extension Educator, Michigan Sea Grant
Region: Northeast Michigan (Lower Peninsula)
989-980-4032 cellPartners